Malatya is more fortunate in terms of the number of dentists there compared to many other eastern cities. The location and socioeconomic level of our city has a great impact on this. The law requires all private dentists to register with the dentists' chamber in their city. Malatya Dentists' Chamber is the professional organization for dentists in Malatya and Adıyaman cities. About 230 dentists are registered in Malatya dentists' chamber. Most of these are dentists from Malatya, with about 40 being dentists from Adıyaman. In the past weeks, Malatya dentists' chamber had elections, where two groups competed for the management of the chamber. The former administration took the majority of the votes and continues to work in the chamber. Indeed, by the law, dentists working in the state are not obliged to register with the dentists' chamber. Therefore, the number of private dental clinics, dental centers owned by the state, and dentists in the faculty of dentistry adds up to around 400. This number is rapidly increasing due to the large number of dentistry faculties opened in recent years. Regarding the number of dentists per population of our city, there may still be a need for more dentists, but in the near future, there may be an excess of dentists due to the large number of dentists who will graduate by that time.