Milk teeth should be treated just like permanent teeth. Having them extracted thinking they will change anyway can lead to many problems. We can explain the importance of milk teeth as follows:
Milk teeth are very important for nutrition. Children with tooth caries cannot eat properly because their teeth hurt. Likewise, children whose teeth are pulled cannot grow and develop properly because they cannot eat well.
Milk teeth are not only necessary for overall body development but also for the jaws. Children whose teeth are pulled due to caries or gum problems have their jaws collapse and look old.
Teeth are necessary for speaking. Missing one's front milk teeth can cause the letters f, v, s, z, and t to be mispronounced for life as a habit, especially during the period when speaking is learned.
All children like to laugh. Healthy teeth are important for a beautiful smile. Children with caries or missing teeth feel psychologically uncomfortable, thinking they look ugly.
Another task of milk teeth is to protect the place of permanent teeth erupting from below. Imagine 10 children sitting side by side. When one of them stands, the others slide into his place and sit more comfortably. If a new child comes and tries to sit there, the others will have to be squeezed. In the same way, if a milk tooth is pulled before its time, the adjacent teeth slide towards this gap. There is no place for permanent teeth to erupt from below. This tooth compresses the others, resulting in perplexity.
Therefore, milk teeth should be treated like permanent teeth!
Dt. Ömer Faruk Tekin